Markes and SepSolve are realigning under parent company Schauenburg Analytics. What will that mean for our customers?
June 10, 2022
Alun Cole, Founding Director, writes:
I’ve written this to introduce the benefits we are able to bring you arising from a closer association of Markes and SepSolve under their parent company Schauenburg Analytics.
What is Schauenburg Analytics and how did it come about?
My co-partner and I founded Markes International in 1997 to develop advanced thermal desorption (TD) technologies and enhance the analysis of trace volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds by GC–MS. We were pleased to see the company grow around the world and become market leader in thermal desorption and associated sampling technologies. We then acquired time-of-flight (TOF) technology and commercialised BenchTOF™ – a bench-top mass spectrometer providing full spectral information at ultra-trace levels – the perfect complement to TD.
We joined the Schauenburg Group in December 2012 and established Schauenburg Analytics as a parent company, cementing the partnership between the measurement and sample introduction sides of the business and allowing both to benefit from extra investment. This allowed us to further refine the BenchTOF technology and introduce innovative complementary solutions for comprehensive GC and advanced data processing that benefit a wide range of challenging real-world applications.
In 2016, we crystalised the expanding measurement and separations part of the business into Markes’ sister company SepSolve under the umbrella of Schauenburg Analytics. SepSolve’s mission was to expand the portfolio of measurement and separations technologies (hardware and software) and to provide comprehensive GC/GC–MS systems, incorporating advanced sample and introduction technology and supported by the company’s unmatched application and technical expertise.
What is our business culture and vison?
The defining philosophy and purpose of Schauenburg Analytics is to serve our customers by continually advancing technical innovation and by providing an unmatched level of expert application and technical support to users. This is what gets us out of bed every morning and both Markes and SepSolve are part of this culture.
Our aim is to enable research customers to discover more from every sample and allow industrial and service laboratories to meet their business needs more effectively – whether that’s maximising information, improving data quality or simply generating reliable results as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
Our vision going forward is for Schauenburg Analytics companies to preserve and strengthen that focus, providing the expert, specialist knowledge to users which some larger organisations struggle to deliver, but at the same time benefitting from the advantages of scale with shared resources in manufacturing, service and global technical support.
How will the realignment benefit Markes and SepSolve customers?
As we communicate the Schauenburg Analytics philosophy and the advantages it can offer GC–MS users in multiple fields, you may come across the group name more regularly, for example on our stand at the Analytica Conference in Germany in June. Emails from our commercial and service teams will also be coming from a Schauenburg Analytics address going forward.
However, in terms of the way Markes and SepSolve interact with customers, nothing will change.
The legal entities will remain the same and the separate product development and product specialist teams will remain the same; it will just be clearer that interacting with Markes and SepSolve offers access to the technical resources of an extended family of like-minded specialist analytical instrument companies – essentially a marketplace for advanced technologies and expertise in our fields.
We have also recently introduced new facilities and capabilities, directly under the Schauenburg Analytics umbrella that provide tangible benefits for our clients.
We will shortly be announcing other initiatives in keeping with our group vision. If this is a vison you share, then whether you are a potential client or a specialist company working in a related area and interested in exploring potential partnerships, we invite you to contact us.